Saturday, 16 March 2013

Media Watch Invites Papers for September 2013 Issue

Media Watch communication journal invites papers for a special theme issue—
Exploring the Dynamics of Media and Communication Education & Research

Globally media education and research is in its dynamic flux after the emergence of new/social media. The traditional models/process of communications is redefined. Classrooms turned to be virtual and multi-mediated. Teaching and learning began to challenge the concepts of space and time. Teaching and learning becomes more stake-holder centered. Industry and market response is getting narrow casted. Catering for the niche world is vital.  Solutions for all problems are now in apps!.  Media education will very soon become apps centered. 

Cyberspace provides everything from instructional to simulation effects. Media education and research is becoming more of need based.  Media education from the primary to the territory stages had diversified beyond imaginations. Generic subjects and syllabi were replaced by need based techno centered multi-disciplinary managerial entrepreneurship courses. Capstone subjects were replaced by innovative, creative, experimental and emerging disciplines. Cybernetics to cyborg studies, pop culture to celebrity studies, gaming to media entrepreneurship courses are getting prominence. An inevitable cross breed of humanities and social sciences with science and technology already happened in the media education and research. Standardization and centralization of curriculum becomes absolutely impossible. Diversity and creativity enriched in media education and research. The quest for an alternate world to a better possible world was absolutely realized and responded by the media education and research in each nation. Public redefining the concepts of the traditional ‘source and receivers’ gained the locus of attention in the contemporary media education and research. Mediations with these faceless flash and dynamic publics in utmost efficiency and effectiveness had repositioned the study of media process to a higher level. 

This proposed special issue of Media Watch September 2013 on media and communication education and research is an opportunity to explore the critical/logical dimensions of media education and research in our higher education centers. The journal considers articles, essays, and book reviews related to the theme. We encourage submissions from scholars, professionals, researcher, and educators at any level and in any discipline. Your contribution must attempt to enhance and restructure all the dimensions of media and communication education and research to a higher level of enlightenment, to promote further construction and cross breed of educational environment in media and communication studies with other emerging disciplines. It will therefore be appreciated that the papers go beyond the descriptive dimension. Scientific, comparative studies, analytical and dialogic approaches and diverse, pluralistic methodologies are welcome on the following themes: 

·         Social media practices in media & communication education.
·         Role of new media in curriculum development.
·         Stake holder centered teaching & learning approaches.
·         Journalism education and research in a cyber world.
·         Paradigm shifts in media and communication education.
·         Innovative practices by publics in media education and research.
·         De-westernizing media and communication education
·         Internationalizing the scope of media and communication research.
·         Experimentations from the grassroots level teaching and learning.
·         Redefining the value spectrum in media and communication education.

Contributors are encouraged to query the editors in a short e-mail describing their papers to determine suitability for publication. 

Abstract: The abstracts should define objectives, theoretical framework and methodological approach, as well as possible contributions for the advancement of knowledge in the field. As a length measure, each submission should have an abstract of 150-200 words. All abstract submissions must be submitted in advance, preferably before May 20, 2013 through e-mail:,, and Early submission is strongly encouraged. 

Length: As the journal is primarily print-based, we encourage articles or manuscripts, including references, tables, and charts, should range between 20-30 pages (6000-8000 words). 

Deadlines:  Once the Abstract is reviewed and if it is found suitable, you will be asked to submit a completed manuscript by June 15, 2013. Review of the papers will be completed before July 10, 2013. 

Style: References should also follow APA style. Visit:

Guidelines for submission are available at:

Review Process: Authors are informed when manuscripts are received. Each manuscript is pre-viewed prior to distribution to appropriate reviewers. Manuscripts are anonymously reviewed. Once all reviews are returned, a decision is made and the author is notified. Manuscripts should consist of original material, and not currently under consideration by other journals. Author(s) have to submit the copyrights declaration permission to Media Watch before final consideration of the paper. 

Cover Page (for review purposes): Include title of manuscript, date of submission, author’s name, title, mailing address, business and home phone number, and email address. Please provide a brief biographical sketch and acknowledge if the article was presented as a paper or if it reports a funded research project. 

Software Format: Submit papers in both Word (.doc) and Pdf

Information: For further information and inquiries about the proposed issue and journal, in case of need, please do not hesitate to contact the co-editor of the journal, Dr. Sony Jalarajan Raj via e-mail: 

We strongly recommend you share this Call for Papers among researchers who you think may be interested in submitting papers for the issue of the journal.

If any organizations and institutions are interested to associate with Media Watch journal, please write to the Publisher:

For more information about the journal, please visit the journal website:
Blog page:

Dr. Sony Jalarajan Raj
Editor, Media Watch
St. Thomas University, Florida, USA