Seven Decades of Indian Journalism
S N Pattnaik
The information and communication
revolution in India has been identified as the new pathway to national
development. A phenomenal expansion of information and communication
infrastructure with citizens’ desire to access information, from every possible
source, for furthering their socio-economic, political and development-oriented
initiatives, have paved the way for growth and development of journalism and
mass communication as a subject of profession. As India developed economically
and gained importance its place among the emerging nations, the need of
journalism education began to be realised by media in particular and academic
world in general. Journalism in India has undergone radical changes since
economic restructuring initiated in 1991. Keeping pace with the profession, the
educational standard of journalism and mass communication has also grown
In India, the birth of journalism
education dates back to 1941 in Lahore’s Punjab University (now in Pakistan) by
late Prof. P.P. Singh, as an evening part-time one-year diploma in journalism
course, functioned there in a somewhat uncertain permanent state. While, India’s
partition was a setback to its progress, but the department of journalism in
Lahore moved after seven years to New Delhi in 1948 (Dua, 2009). Since then
this profession has seen steady progress. In January 1948, the University of
Calcutta introduced journalism a subject in its academic curriculum.
Immediately after, journalism courses started in Osmania University (Andhra
Pradesh) and Nagpur University (Maharastra). In earlier days of journalism
education, several Indian students who had gone to foreign countries for higher
studies in journalism, on their return to India suggested curriculum revisions
(Dua, 2001). The subject has travelled its long journey facing innumerable
trials and tribulations. During 1960s and 1970s several Indian universities
started courses in journalism and the recognition of the course at the university
level underwent drastically. Some American Universities also offered
collaboration for advancement of journalism programmes to their Indian
counterparts. Osmania University and Nagpur University were the examples (Dua,
The establishment of Indian Institute
of Mass Communication (IIMC) at New Delhi with the support of UNESCO in 1965
has landmarked media and communication education in the country. Now, the
education has completed 70 years of its birth. During this period, the number
of educational institutions providing journalism education has grown manifold
in terms of quantity, quality and students enrolment. A gradual change from
professional to academic-oriented and western pattern to Indianised system in
the education curriculum are some of the glorious symbols of achievements of
the Indian journalism and mass communication education.
Presently, about 300 journalism and
mass communication departments in various Indian universities (including some
private and deemed universities) are engaged in providing post-graduate
diploma, degree, MPhil, doctoral, and post-doctoral programmes. Besides, over half-a-thousand
institutions are offering diploma and certificate programmes in various
branches of journalism and mass communication. Another development in the past
one decade has been the growth of the colleges offering undergraduate courses
at various private and public academic institutions. They are being offered
self-financed vocational courses. All these have changed the entire orientation
of the courses towards making journalism more skill course rather than one with
a theoretical base. At the present, more than 20,000 students pass out from
these universities and institutions with diverse specialisation in print, electronic,
public relations, advertising, film, media management, media law and ethics,
The rapid development scenario in the
field of journalism emphasises the importance of journalism and mass
communication education and appropriate training of journalists (including
broadcasters and social communicators), duly integrated with national
development objectives incorporating social orientation. This education has
been marked by a growing sense of professionalism, mainly due to four major
factors. These are:
- an increasing organisation of working journalists;
- specialised education in journalism;
- a growing body of literature dealing with history, problems and techniques of mass communication; and
- an increasing sense of social
responsibility on the part of journalists. Idealistic motives have also
contributed a lot to the development of modern Indian journalism.
In this paper, the
author systematically analyze the growth and current status of mass media
environment and how the growth has supplemented the development of Indian
journalism education standard in India. Besides, the paper also discussed the
pattern of Indian journalism education, prospects and problems prevailing in
the system and suggested some purposeful layouts for appropriate growth of mass
media education in the country in the global competitive media environment.
Boom in Indian Media Market
The beginning of Indian economic
liberalization in 1991 and opening up the gateway for foreign investment,
particularly in information technology (IT) and communication sectors have
resulted manifold growth in both the areas and revolutionised the information
transmission, distribution and information consumption behaviour of the people.
The introduction of foreign media channels and setting up of private media
channels has widened the scope and opportunity for journalism and communication
professionals. Similarly, each year at least half a dozen thousand students
enter the profession and get absorbed in newspaper industry, news agencies,
radio and television organisations, and other government and private
organisations in the information and public relations jobs. Furthermore, the
revolution in electronic media and IT and spurt in both regional and national
streams of the print media have also contributed to better training of
communication professionals, turning them into excellent social communicators
and responsible journalists.
The growing literacy and the
improvement in the lifestyle of the people of India are partially considered as
the media’s contribution in disguise. Since Independence, the media,
particularly the press, has been growing constantly. There were 3,330
newspapers and periodicals published at the time of Independence; this number
rose to 82,237 in 2010-11, i.e., above twenty-five times in 62 years. Today,
India ranks among the top five newspaper production countries in the world. In 2010-11,
the total circulation of Indian press (a combined total of all 96 languages) stood
at 32,92,04,841 copies (Registrar of
Newspapers for India (RNI), 2011). The availability of a large number of
dailies/weeklies provides the reader a variety of options and choices. Scope
and opportunity for press practitioners in urban sector is quite encouraging
than the rural sector because maximum press establishments are located in large
cities and towns and a low rate readership in rural areas.
With the
dawn on the 21st century, setting aside all debates on the issue, in
the mid-phase of 2002, the Indian press has entered the liberalisation phase
with government’s decision to open up for the print media to foreign direct
investment (FDI). This landmark decision, pertaining to the Indian press, is a
measure of India’s growing confidence. Initially, foreign direct investment up
to 26 per cent was allowed in news and current affairs publications including
business publications while up to 74 per cent in technical, medical and other
specialized journals. Later, the government has decided to raise the limit of
FDI from 26 per cent to 49 per cent in news and current affairs publications.
In recent years, the information and
broadcasting sector has been also undertaking major changes mainly due to
technological developments. Use of IT and computers has revolutionized
profoundly the collection and dissemination of news and information and
broadcasting of entertainment programmes. Presently, about 99.1 per cent of the
country’s population and 91.2 per cent of the country’s geographical area is
within the reach of radio broadcasting. The number of radio broadcasting
stations has risen from just 6 at the time of Independence to 231 at present and
by the completion of this current Plan period some more stations will become
operational. In rural sector the radio still has good audience, whereas in
urban sector, the audience is gradually declining, with the exception of FM
listeners in cities and metros. The gradual decline of this, once all important
media, has evoked strong response from the concerned agencies. The government
has now installed more than one FM channel in several metro cities and is
planning to install at least one in some other areas. Recently, the government
has approved increasing the FDI limit in FM sector from 20 to 26 per cent. As
on March 2011, there were 245 private radio stations and 108 community radio stations
were operational.
Utilisation of technological
developments for citizen’s benefit and to gain more popularity of radio
broadcasting in non-urban sectors, the government has initiated several steps
among one such is community radio and expansion of Phase-III of FM
broadcasting. Likewise, the medium wave programmes are also being made more
popular than before. India has crossed the 100 million mark for pay-TV
subscribers, representing more than 70 per cent of TV house holds. According to
India Digital TV Forecast report, there is still plenty of growth to come with
139 million pay-TV subscribers forecast for 2016. The number of TV homes in
India grew from 120 million in 2007 to 148 million in 2011. Cable reaches 94
million homes with 88 million analog connections and 6 million digital ones,
while DTH has commanded 41 million subscribers. As per a recent
report from Paris-based international research and analysis firm Euroconsult,
the satellite pay-TV industry India and some other emerging markets will help
the satellite pay-TV industry attain annual global revenue of USD 150 billion
by 2021, from close to USD 90 billion in 2011. The report further noted that ‘Asia
has become the leading region in terms of subscriptions thanks to the booming
Indian market.’ Euroconsult said an expected 77 per cent of worldwide pay TV
subscribers could be located in emerging regions (including India, Brazil and
Russia) by 2021, as against 60 per cent in 2011. The Indian television (Doordarshan) through its
network of 1,415 terrestrial transmitters reaches over 92 per cent of the
country’s population and the entire country is also covered by Doordarshan DTH
service. A wide network of private and government television companies in India
have established enormous opportunities for journalistic and artistic
professionals to explore their capabilities.
The cable television was introduced
in Indian subcontinent two decades ago. Its rapid spread in both urban and
rural areas has widened the audience, who now has more options and choices to
view different channels and programmes. In our country, more than 1,00,000
cable operators are doing good business in information and entertainment, which
has emerged as a major industry and also as a major cultural force. India is
looked upon as an alluring market for broadcasters. Some 550 or more private
and foreign satellite channels, ranging from small Tamil language channels in
southern India to international channels like CNN, CNBC, National Geographic,
Discovery, Times, BBC, IBN broadcasting etc. are now vying to reach Indian
viewers. According to Pioneer InvestCorp, the Indian cable industry is worth
270 billion rupees and is the third largest in the world after television in People’s
Republic of China and television in United States.
Today, among the major Asian
industrialised countries, India has abundant technically-skilled manpower and
is significantly contributing this skilled manpower towards global IT
development. The computer, communication and control, commonly called 3Cs, are
going to drive the country’s economy and overall development in rapid manner
achieving the desired growth in only a decade compared to the growth achieved
by it during the past five decades or more. IT is the fastest growing
industrial segment in India and has had an impact on almost every field of
activity in recent years. During the last decade, the IT sector in our country
registered an unprecedented growth. The hyperbole of internet and World Wide
Web (WWW) is gradually changing Indians’ living, talking and interacting
behaviour and is expected to change some of the fundamental features of the way
we operate. The major areas of this revolution, such as broadcasting,
telecommunication, media, military, computers and contents, etc have shown high
growth of penetration in the country only during the last decade. India is one
of the fastest growing PC market and internet usages in the Asia-Pacific
region. Personal computer (PC) in India is estimated to have crossed 52 million
units as of the end of 2010. The current installed base of personal computer
translates into one computer for every 25 Indians, doubling the per capita PC
availability in just four years. It may be recalled that at the end of 2006
there was approximately one computer for every 50 Indians.
The growth of PC market combined with
infrastructural developments in telecommunication sector has accelerated the
internet penetration faster in India. According to a study by the Internet and Mobile Association of India
(IAMAI) and IMRB‘s recent findings, with increasing
affordability of PCs and internet penetration,
India is has 121 million internet
users in December 2011. Out of 121 million, 97 million are expected
to be active internet users. With this internet use in India is expected to
enter a critical period of growth with the possibility of becoming the largest
internet using country in the world in this decade.
The Indians have
witnessed the revolution in information and communication sectors and a
qualitative transformation in social, economic and political sectors, mainly as
a result of free flow of information and sharing of knowledge. Already, India
has crossed the initial decades of IT revolution; the present decade is the
most challenging for both the government and IT industry to provide
cost-effective services of information highway, the internet, for the citizens
to support and enable their prosperity, growth, challenge, and opportunities in
domestic sectors.
To meet such an upsurge in media,
more professional and skill-oriented persons are required. Also, these
professionals need to be competent enough in their relevant fields. A
professional degree holder can be of an added advantage in this scenario,
giving an opportunity to the industry to exploit his capabilities in the
competitive online journalism/media market. Besides, the range of work of a
journalist demands different talents and temperaments, but all who aspires to
adopt journalism requires some basic skills and attitudes such as wide ranging
interests, overall social awareness, an inquiring mind, punctuality,
willingness to work hard, an initiative mind to understand the unspoken words,
and also to read between the lines to perceive that is not directly revealed.
Journalism Education System
Though Indian journalism and mass
communication education is seven decades old, but it has yet to take an
appropriate shape. In earlier days, journalism education meant only imparting
skills and crafts in reporting, editing and newspaper production. After being
neglected for a long time, journalism and mass communication courses in India
are witnessing a lot of demand from students on pursuing their careers in
media. Media education has now steadily assumed need-oriented, field-based,
scientific-tested role reflecting dynamic modern needs, trends and varied
testes of consumer and clients (Dua, 2009). The boom in private television
channels and broadcasting organizations fuel the demand for this education.
The journalism education is
recognised as professional education, usually referred to by different
nomenclatures, viz., journalism, mass communication, advertising, public
relations, and media studies depending on the emphasis on different aspects.
One important aspect of these courses is that the students undergo rigorous training
in the skills required for the profession. Over half of the total Indian
university departments offering journalism courses are providing one-year
diploma only and nearly one-fifth are providing bachelor’s degree under varied
course titles as Bachelor of Journalism, Bachelor of Journalism and Mass
Communication, Bachelor of Mass Communication, Bachelor of Mass Communication
and Journalism, and the masters programme as Master in Journalism and Mass
Communication, Master in Communication. and Journalism, MA (Communication),
Master in Science Communication (MSC), and MScC (Agricultural Communication). A
few universities are offering full-time MPhil and doctoral programmes.
The syllabus of journalism studies
taught at university level is varied, and in the recent past, advanced topics
like broadcast communication, rural communication, agricultural communication,
science communication and some special modules have been included in the course
patterns. The growing number of science magazines and the attention paid to
science by both the print and the broadcast media have resulted in the
institution of programmes on science communication at the post-graduate level.
Some universities like Berhampur University, Odisha, have also introduced
journalism as a subject in pre-university degree level pass and honours
programmes. Considering a growing relationship among industry, management,
money/share market, and media, a new class of journalism, i.e., business
journalism has taken birth.
A number of media houses also train
some of their journalists/desk writers by selecting potential students with
necessary skills and putting them through journalism training workshops and
on-the-job training ‘intern’ programmes. Such media houses believe that it
builds employee loyalty and increases long-term employee retention rates while
also proving cost-efficient. The Times Research Institute and Eenadu School of
Journalism are the institutions that are the best examples (Muppidi, 2008). A
few institutes like the Delhi-based Times Centre for Media Studies, Symbosis
Institute of Management, etc. used to offer a course in business journalism to
MBAs, CAs, post-graduates with good degrees in economics, commerce, marketing,
social science, and having talent for writing.
Hurdles in the Education
The medium of Indian journalism and
mass communication education is mainly English. A limited institutes and
universities are offering diploma and degree courses in Hindi and other Indian
vernacular languages. Except a very few, the universities and institutes
offering courses in vernacular languages are limited to diploma level, but
Hindi is an exception to this category. If one opts for higher education, there
is no alternative to considering English as the only medium of education, which
prevents many regional language media professionals from acquiring higher media
education. It is a believe that the other regional language education is hardly
considered fruitful for this profession despite the fact that language press
(e.g., Malayala Manorama, Gujurat
Samachar, Dainik Bhaskar) has outnumbered the English press in terms of
circulation and readership and has entered a new phase of development.
In India, the universities are mostly
located in metros/cities and the journalism and communication courses offered
by them do not emphasize on education or training necessary for a student to be
a rural communicator. Also, most of the students, after completion of the
course and because of aptitude and appropriate training for working as a
communicator in urban areas, prefer placement in cities and towns where mass
media establishments are located. The lack of rural communication-oriented
education and training methods in journalism schools, and limited opportunities
for rural communication practitioners have prevented them from making their
profession as a social engineer in the society.
A common problem in a majority of
journalism schools is the absence of full-time faculty. Even where full-time
faculty exists in some of the journalism departments at university level,
part-time teachers are still hired from the media organisations. The part-time
teachers may be good in their field especially in practical aspects, but many-a-time
it is found that they are not well conversant with theoretical aspects. This lacuna
damages the interest of the students in the subject, as they are not exposed to
the subject in appropriate way. Though, sometimes, even the high ranking
full-time teachers also lack practical experience and they only depend on books
and study material for their lectures. In India, communication educators prefer
serving media industry to teaching profession mainly because the industry is a
good paymaster. There is thus an urgent need for good, competent and inspired
full-time faculty, having both theoretical and practical knowledge, to avoid
most serious communication education problems the country is facing today.
As per the practice, most of the
journalism and mass communication schools in India aim at producing students
who could later be absorbed in the country’s media establishments. The job
requirements in the media establishments require the entrants to have some
practical experience. The state of regional language media education has been
inviting criticism from professionals and media establishments for several
reasons. The media organisations also do not pay enough attention towards the
growth of journalism education and find out ways to improve the existing
situation. With the exception of a limited number of schools like the Indian
Institute of Mass Communication, most of the journalism schools in India do not
have proper facilities for training the students. The degree holders with
inadequate training from journalism schools invite criticism from various
quarters, which continues to mount. A majority of journalism departments in
universities find it difficult to bring out a laboratory journal even once a
year. Similar scenario also exists in the case of audio-visual media training centers.
The rapidly changing situation in the development of the communication and the
insufficient professional competency of pass out students and their fitness to
work on the state-of-the art technical equipment is posing a great challenge in
media sector.
In India country, the journalism and
mass communication research is still premature despite several studies. These
include: media’s participation in electoral process, media consumption
behaviour of people, media’s impact on social, political, and cultural
behaviour of people, etc. The main problem behind mass communication research
in India is unavailability of literature for research survey. The UGC report on
the Status of Journalism and Mass Communication Education in India rightly
pointed out, ‘Communication research is an absolutely virgin field in Indian
universities. It is more true in the case of university departments which cater
mainly to the needs of the language press.’ Actually, the press itself should
take the initiative and start research, in collaboration with university
departments to overcome these general defencies.
Besides all these above factors, the
another major one is the near absence of library facilities for students. Due
to insufficient financial support from the university, the department unable to
meet the requirements of the students to access to valuable books which are
essential for up-to-date knowledge on modern communication methods. Old and
western concept books are inappropriate for the present curriculum. This also
results in the loss of enthusiasm among the students.
Redefining Course Curricula
Though the course curriculum of Indian
journalism and mass communication education taught at various university levels
have been changed significantly from western-oriented to Indian pattern but
still much efforts be needed to improve in this regard. Western methods of
research and use of their books are still prevailing in our present education
curriculum. It is a discouraging trend
in Indian journalism. There is a strong need for a new curriculum-based on the
philosophy of Indian culture, practices and values. The communication courses
should be aimed at creating consciousness within communications circle.
Development of skills and value-oriented syllabi and alternative teaching
materials should be given high priority in the journalism and communication
courses in Indian context.
Also, there is a need to follow a
selective course structure as recommended by UGC by all university journalism
departments. Research-oriented subjects should be introduced in the course
pattern, with subject specialisation like rural, agricultural, science,
political, broadcast and electronic communication. The journalism departments
should take an advantage of the UGC projects in various fields and appoint the
researchers. This may on one hand raise the employment opportunities and on the
other help the students to acquire relevant practical knowledge. The faculty
members should also take special interest in the field of research, publication
of the research results and programmes for audio-visual media. All this can
help explore ways by which an effective and participatory communication process
be set up at different levels.
As already stated most of the
students aspire to work in metros in print and electronic media and show very
little interest in rural and agricultural communication, though the latter has
wider career opportunities. Each year, even less than one per cent of pass-outs
engage themselves in interpersonal and culture-based communication. This is due
to the lower weightage assigned to these areas at the study level. Though the
course content contains topics on rural forms of mass communication, the lack
of interest on the part of the teachers adversely affects the enthusiasm among
the students.
There is a strong need for inclusion
of training in the curricula to ensure relevance of the programme to the
students in acquiring adequate levels of professional skills, with increased
emphasis on social, political and economic aspects. This calls for a change in
the education methods, in cooperation with various other departments like
psychology, anthropology, and sociology. This will help in focussing attention
on the purpose of a value-oriented journalism education.
Career Opportunities
Today’s big business is keeping
people informed and entertained. India is becoming an important entertainment
and information hub in Asian subcontinent. It is not just in television
broadcasting that India is attracting foreign investors but also the popularly
of Hollywood movies has increased multifold as their dubbed versions have found
a bigger market in India. Channels like Discovery and National Geographic are
devoting prime-time to the programmes dubbed in Hindi. Discovery has uncovered
the Indian hunger for infotainment. Round the clock Indian news channels from
Star News, Zee News, CNN-IBN, Times Now, News 24, India TV, BBC, CNN, etc. have
opened up a big market for media professionals to provide more authentic and
value-oriented Indian news and current affairs programmes.
There is also a huge swell in
entertainment channels in India.
Entertainment appears to be the fastest growing area. There are more
cartoons, music video, soap operas, etc. than ever before. Satellite
broadcasting and cable television has opened up enormous opportunities for TV
producers of software. On the technical front this has also resulted in the
mushrooming of video studios with sophisticated equipment providing a range of
services, and consequently providing career opportunities for those with
technical training in this field. There is, therefore, an ongoing demand for
radio, audio and video announcers, anchors, performers, singers, directors,
producers, news readers/anchors, television journalists, photographers,
cinematographers, art directors; set designers, costume/fashion designers, etc.
for the umpteen television channels. Other jobs in this field include
audio/video music recording, specialisations in sound and/or lighting for live
and recorded programmes, design, manufacture and sales of hardware and software
for entertainment, production of advertising commercials as well as areas such
as interactive videos and teleconferencing (Albuquerque).
In almost all its diversified fields,
journalism education has a wide scope and plenty of career opportunities in our
country. Rising trend of internet communication and online publishing in India
has widened the scope for the journalism professionals. Web designers, creative
technical writers, online editors are now in much more demand and employment
opportunities are more then ever before. Seeing this potential emerging growth
sector and the opportunities thereby, several universities and institutes have
now started offering courses on software journalism. It is also being noticed
that several computer teaching institutes have now started offering an
additional course on technical writing to the software candidates which often
led the professionals to establish their career in the field of technical
writing, web editing, internet publishing, etc.
Global news is also transforming
itself as a necessity. Since having their own people covering the globe is
expensive, television channels are regularly exploring links with the local
broadcasters, finding out if they can have reliable people locally. There are
also some foreign radio stations like the BBC and Voice of America which have
their representative officers in India, mainly for news, and employ newsreaders
from time to time. There is in this search a huge opportunity for trained
professionals to explore. Besides, the trained professionals can find jobs in
government departments of All India Radio, Doordarshan and other allied sectors
of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting through Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC) and Staff Selection Commission (SSC) selection.
Measures in Improving of Journalism
1. The present course pattern of
journalism and communication should be made more interesting by providing
sufficient exposure to the advanced technological innovations like computers,
satellite, laser, informatics, and electronic delivery systems, so that the
students may acquaint themselves with the nature of work in an ever-changing
modern communication industry.
2. The internship training programme of
about two months in the present course pattern at diploma/degree level is not
sufficient. To gain practical knowledge in developing skills of a minimum
standard, the training programme period should range from three to six months.
3. Relevance of social communication and
the role of social communicator in the society should be given high priority, keeping
in view its importance in a developing nation like India.
4. University Grants Commission (UGC)
guidelines with regard to recruitment of teachers in journalism and
communication should be reviewed. Besides, the present lectureship test
clearance, a minimum of one year experience in a media house with some
research-oriented work should be included as essential qualifications for
recruitment of journalism and communication teachers.
5. The western style and model of
communication still being followed should be discouraged. The media teachers,
social thinkers, and communication planners should prepare guidelines for
journalism/communication education rooted in Indian culture. The UGC should
support these efforts by preparing a syllabi common for all university
journalism departments. The syllabi must give due attention to the regional and
local journalism practices and communication methods.
6. The insufficient infrastructure in
journalism departments affects the efficiency and standard of the students.
There should be a minimum basic infrastructure for providing effective training
leading to the development of skills, before introducing the programme. The UGC
should also encourage those departments who have taken initiative on their own
without getting any assistance from either government or UGC.
7. MPhil and doctoral programmes in
journalism should be initiated at the universities to provide the students an
opportunity for higher studies. This will help in the development of this field
through research and development.
8. Media research centres should be
opened in select universities so that the researchers get employment
opportunities. This will also help the students gain in-depth knowledge and
integrating ability to various frameworks of communication process.
9. The practical classes of journalism
do not attract students for many reasons. To remedy this, the department must
subscribe to some news agency, and skilled teachers should guide the students
in editing and rewriting aspects of an agency copy. The department should
install desktop publishing system and encourage the students to prepare their
own laboratory journals, bulletins, etc. TV camera, VCR and tape-recorder are
essential practical equipment for a student who takes the audio-visual subject
as a specialization. Good knowledge in handling and practical applications of
these instruments is highly desirable. The university and UGC should provide
necessary equipment to all the journalism departments where audio-visual
courses are offered.
10. The necessities of language media
education must be reorganised in view of the growing figure of vernacular press
and readers’ acceptance to this press, as it shapes their public opinion,
provide large information, and generate awareness. The universities that are
providing the education should concentrate more on development of vernacular
language education methods and to improve the professional skills of the media
practitioners. Reformative measures are needed in shifting the emphasis from
English to vernacular language-oriented programmes, though a comprehensive
measure is highly desirable.
11. A full-fledged course curriculum
based on software/web journalism, technical writing, functions and uses of
internet, web designing, and other allied areas should be appropriately adopted
in the study curricula of all university journalism education system. This will
help the professionals to get acquainted with the practical training before
their to employment.
12. Library facilities are generally poor
in all university journalism departments. To overcome this problem, UGC and
university should grant more financial assistance for library development, on
priority basis.
13. Besides providing the usual education
practice, the university and UGC should conduct short-term correspondence and
refresher courses for media persons and teachers to enable them to improve
their ability in correlating the learning and its application in the workplace.
14. To meet emerging challenges in
journalism education, UGC and universities should take immediate steps to fill
up the posts laying vacant for several years.
15. Special attention should be given by
the journalism and communication departments to create employment opportunities
for their products, as various management departments do. In this regard, the
department should keep constant, live contact with media organisations and
advertising and public relations agencies. Appropriate information regarding
the scope and future prospects in various areas would enable the students to
choose their lines as appropriately suited to them.
16. New media organisations and
institutions of journalism education must initiate on the state of the research
on media and publish the findings, leading to a body of original work in this
17. In the age of globalization of media,
a rounded media education be made part of the academic curriculum at the high
school level, so that the youth of the country develop a critical awareness and
perspective relating to news media and their role in the society.
18. University journalism departments and
media institutions should approach working journalists and editors of
newspapers and broadcasting channels, other professional associations and media
industry bodies to enhance and intensify their interactions with students and
researchers, discussions on media impact and other cooperative activities.
19. The recent decision of the government
to constitute a task force to check the mushrooming growth of unregulated media
institutes which charge exorbitant fees but provide sub-standard education is a
welcome step. This step would suggest measures to strengthen the media education
and regulatory framework.
It is well considered that the media
has an important role to play in minimising general deficiencies in our system
of journalism and mass communication education. This requires a planned study,
action and interchange of ideas among education systems and media
organisations. As change is essentially a process at all levels, certain
specific task-oriented proposals, agendas, and finally action frameworks be
planned in a broad network to meet the challenges for the present and the
future. If the planned framework does not meet the objectives, there is a
chance of degradation of the journalism education. This ultimately will have an
adverse affect on the quality of the media industry.
The present media boom in Indian
market is a challenge to the efficiency and exposure of the trained
journalistic products. Also, it is important for the trained products to
preserve the culture and values. The role of journalists in social development
in the upsurging media market needs to be evaluated urgently. To achieve social
goals, both-the role of the communication media and our system of communication
education are equally important. There is also a need to reconstitute the
present journalism and mass communication syllabus curriculum emphasising more
on IT and its relevance to information age and allied areas. There should be a
target by all of us who are more or less associated with the mass communication
and journalism education and research activities in India to bring this a
status equivalent with that of the other programmes in this seventy-one birth
year. It is an opportunity and a challenge for Indian journalism and
communication professionals to participate in global revolution in information
systems and technological order and to leapfrog into the future if we can
establish a strong action and result-oriented communication education and
research system.
- Dua, M.R. (2009). Begging for an honorable space. Media Mimasa, Oct-Dec 2009, 57-62.
- Muppidi, S.R. (2008). Journalism education in India. Retrived on 14.01.2012 from
- Pattnaik, S.N (2002). Sixty Years of Journalism Education—Prospects and problems, Mass Media-2002, New Delhi : Ministry of I&B.
- University Grants Commission
(2001). Report of the curriculum
development committee on mass communication for Indian universities. New
(M.R. Dua was the nodal person of the committee. Some of his viewpoints have been considered by the authors in the article)
About the Author
Dr. S N Pattnaik is Editor (News) in the News Services Division of All India
Radio, New Delhi, India. He has more than two decades of experience in media
and mass communication. He holds PhD and D.Litt degree in Journalism and Mass
Communication. E-mail:
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