A study of Indian
history from 16th to 20th centuries will indicate that
the transition from feudalism to modern society has been slow and incomplete despite
the occasional turbulence, turmoil, wars, social reforms, and intellectual
ferment. It was during the mid-19th
century (First War of Independence) and the 20th century freedom
movement that the Indian newspapers played a powerful and prominent role in
questioning the forces of authority, social prejudices and the suppression of
personal liberty. During the late 19th
and early 20th century, attempts to propagate the ideas of liberty,
equality, fraternity, and freedom were made by political and social leaders. The
journals started by them played a historical role in questioning old ideas and
practices like casteism, communalism, superstitions, educational backwardness
and women’s oppression. Modern rational and scientific ideas, secularism,
tolerance, and economic empowerment of the people were propagated in the
writings of national leaders. The newspapers, particularly, served in
conscientizing literate and educated people about the need for social reforms
and political independence. Until 1950, the newspapers no doubt, served in
inspiring people of the country towards a change in their thinking about social
transformation, economic empowerment and the establishment of a strong
foundation for democracy. But in recent
decades, a decline in the functioning of the press/media has set in. This paper
attempts to present a glimpse of events through which the all types of media have
passed. Reference is also made to the recent technological changes in our media
world and the serious ethical questions they have raised about media’s performance.
and available sources describe the birth of Indian journalism in 1780 with Hicky’s
Gazette (James August Hicky) which
was largely aimed at criticizing the officials of the British government’s East
India Company. (Malhotra: 2008). The history of Indian journalism is
about 231 years of struggle for existence, propagation of free speech and ideas
of people, and evolving democratic values of the nation. Media practitioners
and historians view the growth of Indian journalism in a number of ways. Some
feel the history of pre-independence journalism was based on the people’s struggle
for freedom and socio-political development in the country. Others feel that the
journalism of those days was not value-based with any ideology and that more
than political freedom or nation building or informing and educating people,
the press was aimed to perpetuate the British system of political rule and
the period of British India to the present free, liberalized and globalised
India on the path of privatization, print and electronic journalism has passed
through many phases of ups and downs, which have not yet ended. The most
prominent change is that journalism once regarded as a mission has now changed into
a business or trade, a vocation like any other where commercialization has
crept in. Journalists are no longer fighters for the rights of people; they are
just mercenary writers, most of them canvassers for their employers.
stature of the ‘fourth estate’ (press/media) is now transformed into a trade with
its own hierarchies and remuneration-based value systems; social commitment of
the past is no longer an asset for a journalist or media professional. In the
current situation, the press or the media in general are operated by
businessmen for business goals, occasionally pleading for justice for the poor,
but most of them ignoring the immense problems faced by the majority of the
population. Are the media already on the path to become huge conglomerates all
repeating the same types of news and creating a false reality? Does the motive of making huge profits
through advertising, ‘paid news’ and ‘private treaties’ dominating the media
world today? Have we, as a nation, lost our social concern and ethical values?
Why is there so much talk about corruption among the people in private
conversation but not in the columns of the newspapers or in the broadcast and
telecast media? Have the media become business establishments with commercial
dealings with both the government and private houses, not necessarily confined
to this country, but ready to do business with similar institutions in any part
of the globe? Is it the result of
globalization? Do the media have special
responsibilities to their own nation? How
do the media behave in chain ownership, cross-media ownership, or any other
type of ownership? What will be the
result of that behaviour on the contents of the media products? Are the newspapers, radio, television, etc.
to be treated as products generating huge profits for the investors who have an
axe to grind? Are they justified in following practices particularly suitable to amass wealth in the
hands of entrepreneurs who consider the media as a tool for enhancing their
private and personal fiefdom and profit motives, rather than utilizing the columns
and the visuals for helping government and non-government agencies in solving
the burning problems facing the nation—economic backwardness of the majority, poverty,
illiteracy and ill-health of almost 80 per cent of our 120 crores of people,
illiteracy of almost half of our population, atrocities against the poor,
socially weak and marginalized people, especially in the rural areas and
discriminations and violations of human rights, including gender injustices?
developments in technology in the last two decades have gradually transformed
the media scenario and the image of journalism and journalists. The old days
are gone for good---when journalists used pencils, notebooks and shorthand! But
the scribes of old had plenty of concern for the poor.
often, today’s media people are using the electronic equipment in news
gathering, recording, transmission and compilation of information—and that is a
commendable and worthy practice. But there are ethical questions about the use
of hidden cameras and pocket tape-recorders and surreptitious recording of
events and personalities in such a manner that they are presented in a manner
predesigned by the media worker in order to trap the interviewee or present the event to enhance the monetary
gains of the unconscionable reporters, editors, publishers or proprietors.
The Changing Scenario
in technology combined with growth in the number of newspaper readers resulting
from the rising trend in literacy have led to the unprecedented growth in the
number of newspapers and magazines and in their circulations. During 2011, seven
out of the top ten English newspapers registered a growth in readership; five
out of the top ten Hindi newspapers have shown a steady increase during the
same period. Both Dainik Jagran and Dainik Bhaskar continue to lead the
Hindi dailies with an all India readership of 164.58 lakhs and 148.79 lakhs,
respectively (RNI 2011). Even daily circulation of some other Indian language
newspapers is enviable when compared to newspaper growth globally. While
circulation and readership increased, print advertisement has not lagged
behind. Earlier, the English newspapers had almost 85 per cent of the
advertisement revenue. Today, the figures have changed; the Indian language
newspapers have started approaching towards an equal share of advertisement
revenue with their English counterparts.
are now having options of wide variety to choose publications of their choice
because of information available in the Internet. All the technological developments
are not fully understood and there are still misconceptions among advertisers. (Singhvi:
2006) Advertisers in India are still looking at quantity rather than quality
readership. Newspaper producers have taken the line that they can virtually
give their ‘product’ free of charge or at nominal price, a small fraction of
the actual cost. But once you have the big numbers, lots of advertising will
come to you because the advertisers naturally gravitate towards big numbers. But
is serving the advertisers the main goal of journalism?
In a
world of increasing globalization, the media have great potential. They can reach important information to their
users, even in remote corners of the globe where it was really difficult to
reach in the past. One of the most creditable achievements of the Indian press
during the 1980s and 1990s was the spectacular growth in the regional
press. Many factors contributed to this
growth, the most important of which was the political alliance among regional
parties in the formation of governments at the central and state levels. The
trends set-up by Eenadu in Andhra
Pradesh, Malayala Monorama in Kerala were
highly remarkable. Among other factors the rise of literacy, better
transportation, aggressive marketing strategies and increasing awareness among
the masses about participation in political process contributed a lot in the
changing scenario of print media in the country. The creation of the Panchyati Raj system at grassroots level
has propagated the views of common people in creation of more stabilized
democratic governance through free flow of information in regional and local
press. Now over two-thirds of the regional press readers belong to small towns
and rural areas.
innovation and changes in technology are re-defining the survival, growth and
development of the Indian print media. Present day newspaper readers are not
satisfied with the traditional way of news presentation, editorial inputs but
something extra insight into what others have not reported. Pandey says that when
she took over the editorship of the Delhi edition of Hindustan (a Hindi daily) it had a circulation of some 64,000
copies but just after two years the circulation grew to 4,25,000 copies. The
reason for this increase was that ‘even earlier the paper had readers, but we
could not reach them,’ says Pandey. ‘It is the same paper, the same printing
press and the same staff even today. All that we have done is to pay more
attention to the way in which news is coming in and the way in which it is collected.
We take the opinion of the people and have discussions with them.’ (Pandey: 2006)
technology increased the economic prosperity of the Indian press, there has
been a perceptible and pernicious decline in standards. Sensationalism, trivialization
and titillation are becoming the order of the day. Investigative journalism as
sting operation has opened a new chapter which made the press to acquire a more
powerful position and helped it to enhance the image of the press as a watchdog
of the society. Unfortunately, investigative journalism has often been misused
to settle personal scores or to tarnish the image or blackmail individuals.
This aspect of the modern highly technologized press deserves a careful
scrutiny for taking appropriate remedial measures.
time has come to examine and evaluate the ethical aspects of our current media performance
and personnel. How to challenge and
shape the print media in the growing technologically competitive and globalized
environment giving the utmost importance
to the values of Indian society, tradition, culture and human rights and
economic development issues. The press in India has always been at the forefront
of national progress. The media institutions and professionals/journalists must be very
sensitive to the country’s multi-lingual, multi-ethnic and socio-religious and
plural status. They should always do such act in such a way that shapes and maintains
equilibrium and tranquillity in society. Editors and owners of the media industry
must pay attention to proper self-regulation that would ensure accountability, and
lessen its dependence on advertising and marketing strategies, and the
increasing commoditization of news. Newspaper owners and broadcast media
managers must recognize that news is not a product. They must ensure that
increase in readership or viewership is not attained at the cost of credibility.
The undesirable and unethical practice of ‘paid news’ and ‘private treaties’
must end unconditionally. Journalists must have the right to
express what they believe to be true, just and fair; this is not a right that
should be compromised by profit-motives or commercial interests of an
individual or organization. For this to happen, media workers have to assert
their own economic independence, affinity for truth and above all their
S.N. Pattnaik is Editor (News), News Services Division, All India
Radio, New Delhi-110 001. E-mail: snpattnaik@yahoo.com
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