Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Call for Papers: January 2015

Call for Papers: Journal of Media Watch January 2015
Hurricane Waves of Advertising and Public Relations in Contemporary News Media

The hurricane quest for revenue generation and profit making by the media management companies are destroying the editorial freedom and independence of the news desk. Advertisement and marketing revenues determine the editorial freedom and choices of news media. As multinational media conglomerates venture into newer and newer strategies for tapping advertisement and marketing revenue, the state funded public broadcasting is gasping and waiting for its last breath. Government in all continents are intelligently disowning and withdrawing from the public service broadcasting. BBC is the only lone voice as a hallmark. Private equities cross media ownership and shareholder’s interests are taking the mainstream media into the newer models of revenue generation through lobbying, advocacy, consultancy and public relation campaigns.
The forbidden waves of advertising and public relations are encroaching the sacred territories of news media independence and freedom. Private owned/corporate media are exploring the possibilities of surrogate to mobile advertising. Cat videos to slap stick advertisements are being experimented in between everyday news casting. Cross-media advertising, apps for niche advertising, surrogate advertising on prime time, lobbying for the advertising payments, equities instead of marketing payments, media consultancy services and campaign for private advertisers are becoming the part and parcel of modern day news media revenue generation strategies.
The January 2015 issue of the Journal of Media Watch will explore the intellectual and research expertise of academics and scholars on the above topics.
Your contributions are not limited but can explore more into:
Government and political media relations
Media relations in international communication
Citizen journalism and public relations
Political public relations and communication
Public communication campaigns
Cross-cultural public relations and soft power
Lobbying and advocacy; media access, reach and control
Corporate social responsibility and public relations
Corporate websites and reputation management
Advertising and communication in new media
News media advertising
Surrogate advertising
Paid promotional news
Ethics and corruption in media relations
Mobile and public communication campaigns
Role of public relations in society
History of public relations in specific sectors (ex.: consultancy, education, health)
Contributors are encouraged to query the editors (,, in a short e-mail describing their paper to determine suitability for publication. Journal of Media Watch will only accept true, original and pure fundamental and empirical research papers which were not published before in any publications.
Abstract: The abstracts should define objectives, theoretical framework and methodological approach, as well as possible contributions for the advancement of knowledge in the field. As a length measure, each submission should have an abstract of 150-200 words. Authors should provide five or six keywords for their abstract to facilitate online searching. All abstract submissions must be submitted in advance, preferably before August 15, 2014 through e-mail. Early submission is strongly encouraged.
Length: As the journal is primarily print-based, we encourage articles or manuscripts, including references, tables, and charts, should range between 20-30 pages (7000-8000 words).
Deadlines:  Once the Abstract is reviewed and if it is found suitable, you will be asked to submit a completed manuscript by September 25, 2014. Review of the papers will be completed beforeOctober 15, 2014.
Style: References should also follow APA style (6th Edition).
Guidelines for submission are available at:
Title: Maximum 12 words
Review Process: Authors are informed when manuscripts are received. Each manuscript is pre-viewed prior to distribution to appropriate reviewers. Manuscripts are anonymously reviewed. Once all reviews are returned, a decision is made and the author is notified. Manuscripts should consist of original material, and not currently under consideration by other journals. Author(s) have to submit the copyrights declaration permission to Media Watch before final consideration of the paper.
Cover Page: (for review purposes): Include title of manuscript, date of submission, author’s name, title, mailing address, business and home phone number, and email address. Please provide a brief biographical sketch and acknowledge if the article was presented as a paper or if it reports a funded research project.
Software Format: Submit papers in both Word (.doc) and Pdf.
Indexing & Citations: Journal of Media Watch is indexed and citied in 15 international database, citation and indexing agencies including SCOPUS, PROQUEST, ISI, EBSCOS, Ulrich, Ebscos, J-Gate, Proquest, Google Scholar, ResearchBib, MIAR etc. Journal of Media Watch is subscribed in major university library data base in Asia, Europe and USA. Journal of Media Watch is considered for inclusion by the famous database such as ISI, Thomson Reuters, Dove Jones, and Nature.
Plagiarism Check: All the submitted papers will undergo mandatory online plagiarism check through plagiarism software’s such as Turnitin and Safe Assign. Contributors are encouraged to do plagiarism check before they submit for the publication. Any submitted paper with more than 7 % match will be rejected without any feedback from the editorial board.
Submission & Acceptance: Any paper published in any journals, book chapters, monograms or abstracts presented in any conference or published in any conference proceedings will not be published. We strongly discourage on the submission of any such.
We strongly recommend you share this call for papers among researchers who you think may be interested in submitting papers for the issue of the journal.
Information: For further information and inquiries about the proposed issue and journal, in case of need, please do not hesitate to contact the editor-in-chief of the journal, Dr. Sony Jalarajan Raj via e-mail:
If any organizations and institutions are interested to associate with Media Watch journal, please write to the Publisher:,
Dr. Sony Jalarajan RajEditor-in-Chief, The Journal of Media Watch
St. Thomas University, Florida, USA
Tel: 001-786-204-1031
Email your submission to: