Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Media Watch
Social Media: A virtual world where ‘social beings’ live

It won’t be preposterous to comment that we eat, sleep and live on social media. While a large majority views it as the ‘next big thing’, for a few it is already part of our routine system of work and life.  The Guardian’s ‘Mood of the Nation’ research (2014) conducted on UK citizen found that using social media makes the people happier when compared to money and family. The privilege or choice of being connected to a world outside one’s reach is the core principle that makes these social sites an immediate advantageous tool for marketing or any other online undertakings.With the rapid growth of internet and associated network technologies with a huge rise in the use of tablet and mobile phones, social media is becoming even more ubiquitous and exhilarating. The consequences of this change and evolution are influencing every aspects of human life.

Keeping apart all these obvious terrains of social media explosion, what makes social networking significantly popular in the academic world is its potential in redefining space, society and identity. Being ‘social’ is acomprehensive expression holding many meanings at different point of references. As social media form a major part of a Company/Institute’s reputation, marketing and social identity, their presence online is given much prominence and precision, whereby the employers’ social presence is also being scrutinized. 

At this juncture, Media Watch opens an opportunity for the effervescent media scholars to contribute their outlook and research findings on social media. The research topics include, but not limited to –
·         Social media activism
·         Social media in Politics
·         Stardom and Social media                                         
·         Social Communication
·         Social media and para-social relationship                
·         Virtual reality
·         Film and social media marketing                              
·         Ethics and social media
·         Social Media and Critical Thinking                            
·         Journalist on social media
·         Social media theories and its relevance                   
·         Tweets, Likes, Comments, Hashtag
·         Identity conflicts online                                             
·         Privacy and security online
·         Social network mediated communication

For detail information, please visit the journal website:

Current Issue: January 2015

Issue Editor                : Rohini Sreekumar
Editor-in- Chief          : Dr. Sony Jalarajan Raj

Send your research article submissions to:

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